Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Tau tak uols yoga nih ada bermacam-macam kita bole pilih any of it yang sesuai dengan diri kita..jangan ikut orang ja kang merana for beginner always go for yang slow and relax type macam Hatta Yoga..barulah otot and lemak kita tak terkujat...hahahha
Just bear in mind awal-awal buat yoga nih korang akan sakit satu badan sebab yoga nih ibarat streching..jadi janganlah stop and rehat 2-3 hari..
Tips mudah nak cepat baik..kita kena paksa diri keep on pegi classes sebab lagi cepat body adjust and used to it lagi cepat here aku list some of yoga yg femes..
1. Anusara Yoga
You are taught to be aware with your alignment and the inner energy as the gift from the nature. Every practice is usually begins with an invocation. The class can be gentle or vigorous depends on the instructor but both have a friendly atmosphere.
2. Ashtanga Yoga
All the poses are done quite fast in a sequence combined with the breathing techniques. You indeed need a lot of stamina since the class is very challenging but the good news is you can practice to build up your strength.
3. Bikram / Hot Yoga
From the name, it is clear that you will do yoga exercise in a hot room with temperature around 106 degrees and 40 % humidity. Usually you will do sequences of 26 yoga poses. The hot temperature will help you to stretch your muscle easily and cleanse toxic from your body by sweating a lot which is believed as the output of the toxic.
4. Hatha Yoga
It is one of the well-known yoga types that can easily found in many yoga centers. This is the most recommended yoga type for beginners since all the yoga poses are done gently. It is also believed as the center of all derivation of yoga styles.
5. Integral Yoga
If you have physical abilities, this class is suitable with you as you will do the gentle movements. Besides, the class has a combination of chanting, mantra, pranayama, meditation, and relaxation which is good for those who are looking for spiritual practice.
6. Iyengar Yoga
This class focuses on by concerning the alignment of your body when doing yoga poses since it is believed can heal the physical ailments. Therefore, you will get a detailed instruction in each pose. Moreover, you have to hold your poses for a bit longer time but don’t worry since you may use some of yoga props such as blocks, belts, or straps which is the typical of this yoga type.
7. Jivamukti Yoga
This style of yoga combines asanas with spiritual practice such as mantras, chanting, and also meditation. Moreover, the yogis are expected to apply the spiritual comprehension in their daily life for example being vegetarians.
8. Kripalu Yoga
Basically, kripalu yoga class has the same character with integral yoga’s. It is intended for people with physical limitation or those who are looking for deep serenity since the concept is all about meditation even in motion.
9. Kundalini Yoga
You will do kriyas or sequences in a repetition even for a simple movement such as waving the arms. Moreover, the class is also consisting of chanting or mantras. The class can be vigorous to push your comfort limits.
10. Power Yoga
If you have advanced your yoga level, so why don’t you try this style of yoga which is a derivation of ashtanga yoga. The class is very intense by doing some advanced poses and you should hold it for long duration.
11. Sivananda Yoga
The class focuses more on sun salutation sequence as it has 12 basic yoga poses and also the intense pranayama. Besides, the class usually has a bit longer time for 2 hours and is ended by doing mantra meditation. You will hear the use of Sanskrit name all the way through in the class.
12. Vini Yoga
If you are looking for private practice to solve your health problem, find the vini yoga class or instructor. The practice is usually done in gentle. You will also be taught to focus on the process of your self-discovery or transformation.
13. Vinyasa Yoga
I suggest you to try this yoga type if you have practiced yoga for 2-3 month regularly since the class has a fast paced movements controlled with the breath.
So, which yoga types you think you are fit in? You may try all of the yoga types and decide which one you would like to concentrate on. If you want to combine two yoga styles or more in your daily yoga practice, it is also good.
Siapa laa yang tak kenal pisang kann, warnanya hijau bila muda and kuning bila dah masak..rasanya pula quite sweet and have a nice scent. Pisang banyak digunakan dalam masakan macam cucur, kek, smoothie dan lain-lain..Tahukah korang khasiat pisang nih? Banyak bebenor khasiatnya and i bet after knowing kehebatan pisang nih mesti korang berduyun-duyun pegi beli buat stok hiasan kat dapur kannn..hahahah..
By the way, aku consume banana almost every day..especially time breakfast and dinner sebab it helps to calm my gastric tummy and at the same time diet..hihih..Oh btw, pisang juga membantu orang yang bermasalah sembelit..laju jek ke toilet if kita amalkan pisang nih ;)
Let's read more bout khasiat pisang :-
Sejak membaca khasiat pisang nih, I started to make a habit makan pisang walaupon kadang-kadang tuh kembang tekak weih nak menelan..hahahha..tapii demi masa depan dan kesihatan, I will still consume it.
By the way, aku consume banana almost every day..especially time breakfast and dinner sebab it helps to calm my gastric tummy and at the same time diet..hihih..Oh btw, pisang juga membantu orang yang bermasalah sembelit..laju jek ke toilet if kita amalkan pisang nih ;)
- Pisang membantu masalah tekanan atau depression kerana ia dikenali sebagai "happy mood brain neurontransmitter".
- Makan sebelum memulakan sebarang workout atau ke gym bole membantu menambahkan tenaga dan mengawal tekanan darah kita.
- Melindungi kita dari mucle cramp ketika bersenam dan leg cramp ketika tidur malam.
- Membantu menambah kalsium dan membina tulang yang kuat.
- Improve mood kita seharian dan mengurangkan simptom PMS kerana pisang produce stress relieving relaxation.
- Kandungan vitamin B-6 yang tinggi boleh reduce bengkak, mencegah diabetes type II, membantu mengurangkan berat badan, menguatkan sistem saraf dan membantu produce white blood cells kita.
- Kandungan zat besi didalam pisang juga help to strengthen blood dan relieve anemia.
- Contain high potassium and low in salt membantu mengurangkan blood pressure, heart attack dan juga stroke.
- Kaya dengan pectin yang membantu sistem pencernaan serta memproses dan membuang heavy metal toxin dari badan.
- Pisang juga membantu melegakan heartburn dan ulcer perut dengan menutupi kawasan yang luka dari terkena asid perut.
Haaaa see banyak kannn khasiatnya..mesti some of the benefit u all never heard before right ?..
Sejak membaca khasiat pisang nih, I started to make a habit makan pisang walaupon kadang-kadang tuh kembang tekak weih nak menelan..hahahha..tapii demi masa depan dan kesihatan, I will still consume it.
Prevention is better than cure right ?
Korang consume food supplements ? Well aku nak share one of my favorite food supplements, Yaeyama Chlorella by Cosway. Aku makan every morning with empty stomach.
Kenapa Chlorella nih hebat ?
Simple ! It cures my allergies.
Aku selalu jadi gatal-gatal in between jari jemari tangan nih and sometime menjadi-jadi sampai ke muka. Melampau tak ? Hahaha sebabnya jadi macam tuh? Apalagi, pasal makan ayam atau daging.
I went for check up before dan mengikut doktor bertauliah, it's because of the medication that had been injected into those animals (phitamlaaa ioll nak jadi vegetarian tegar~) ..
So I started looking around for products yang boleh wachaa allergy nih.. Luckily, Chlorella help me out. Now I'm officially part of the "food supplement club" !
Supplement nih juga suits the whole family..I'm not promoting Cosway kat u all for commission bagai hokeh..just doing some sharing is caring ;)
Children generally don't eat enough greens. Give them chlorella! It is rich in natural growth-promoting nutrients for kids to grow taller and healthier, while keeping body defences strong. You'll be amazed when they stop missing school due to coughs and colds!
Troubled by skin breakouts? Chlorella aids daily detox for blemish-free skin. Plus it helps keep teenagers healthy and better able to study.
Want younger-looking, firmer skin that's free from age spots? Chlorella, rich in anti-ageing nucleic acids - RNA & DNA, and potent antioxidants can really help.
Suffering from stiff neck, poor concentration and lower energy level caused by acidic body? Chlorella helps balance body acidity to correct problems associated with too much acidity in the body.
The Elderly
Suffering from poor digestion and unsure that nutrients are being absorbed? Take chlorella! It's bursting with natural nutrients that are easily absorbed for improved well-being.
Checkout Chlorella by Cosway for more details !
Kenapa Chlorella nih hebat ?
Simple ! It cures my allergies.
Aku selalu jadi gatal-gatal in between jari jemari tangan nih and sometime menjadi-jadi sampai ke muka. Melampau tak ? Hahaha sebabnya jadi macam tuh? Apalagi, pasal makan ayam atau daging.
I went for check up before dan mengikut doktor bertauliah, it's because of the medication that had been injected into those animals (phitamlaaa ioll nak jadi vegetarian tegar~) ..
Supplement nih juga suits the whole family..I'm not promoting Cosway kat u all for commission bagai hokeh..just doing some sharing is caring ;)
Children generally don't eat enough greens. Give them chlorella! It is rich in natural growth-promoting nutrients for kids to grow taller and healthier, while keeping body defences strong. You'll be amazed when they stop missing school due to coughs and colds!
Troubled by skin breakouts? Chlorella aids daily detox for blemish-free skin. Plus it helps keep teenagers healthy and better able to study.
Want younger-looking, firmer skin that's free from age spots? Chlorella, rich in anti-ageing nucleic acids - RNA & DNA, and potent antioxidants can really help.
Suffering from stiff neck, poor concentration and lower energy level caused by acidic body? Chlorella helps balance body acidity to correct problems associated with too much acidity in the body.
The Elderly
Suffering from poor digestion and unsure that nutrients are being absorbed? Take chlorella! It's bursting with natural nutrients that are easily absorbed for improved well-being.
Checkout Chlorella by Cosway for more details !