Avene Spring Water ?? Eh apa tuh..air mineral ke hape..Ok first op all, product nih dah lama bertapak kat Mesia cuma aku jek baru taw and tergerak ati nak torai..
Recently masa tgh layan drama Korea pon aku tgk ramai artis2 dia pakai spray cenggini..main spray-spray kat muka..pehh mcm best jek..mcm glemer jek..."
By da way, I bought Avene value set coz offer dia sgt menarik !..siap time browsing around kat Guardian bole tetiba tukar gear reverse..hahah biasala perempuan mmg cpt cair bila terpandang offer mabeles ;p
Total RM 115 for 2 bottles of 300ml Avene Spring Water, Avene Cleanser 200ml and Avene Spring Water 50ml..
Murah kannn ?? ewah hati trus bergebar-gebar..takde maknanya nak pikir 2 kali dah..angkut terus..hihi..
Ok apa function Avene Thermal Spring Water nih ? Banyak wooo..nah nengok laa sendiri cara nak guna dia jugak..mudah jek...cuma perlu spray..pastuh terus gojez berseri-seri korang nnt..hihih
So apa perasaan aku setelah pakai spray Avene nih ?
Hokeh firstly, I feel good ! Secondly, muka dah tak kering dan paling I loike bila spray, muka terus terasa sejuk bak Gunung Everest..Yes it actually gives cooling sensation to our face. So anyone yang sensitive skin or tak tahan panas cuaca nowadays, should try this..memang heaven sgt ;))
Thanks for reading..adios amigos~
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