Kadang-kadang aku rasa dunia nih pelik...ka org yg leaving in dis world yang pelik ? hahahah aku pon kompius..lagi aku wat baik lagi aku kena tak baik...is it me too high in morality or people out there lacking of morality and humanity ?

Apa gunanya God gave us brain..akal..kalo nak pikir baik buruk pon tak mampu..manusia getting low day by day..we should balik ke asal..balik ke agama kita..buka kitab-kitab and al-quran and belajar balik da right way to live and act as a decent human being..

Manusia sekarang betol-betol tak takot mati and sum of them tak takot Tuhan pon ada..huish so scary da way ppl think and act nowadays..berangan mcm nak hidup seribu tahun tetapi hakikat sebenar ? tak lama dah nak balik ke asal..

I myself not perfect but I try my best not to hurt people badly..kadang-kadang terlajak bahasa jugak tp takda laa smpai tak takot Tuhan..I'm amazed with people yg luarannya alhamdulillah tetapi dalamannya astargfirullahalazim...

Bila berdepan dengan orang, indah sungguh bahasa..lemah lembut sungguh tutur kata..tetapi hakikat sebenar keindahan dan kelembutan tuh adalah racun yang meracun pemikiran orang lain..

Entahlaaa dunia sekarang nih tak dapat nak detect mana yang ikhlas dan mana yang tidak sbb luaran indah-indah belaka..hahhaha..I pray to God to always bless and keep me away from people like this.

Thanks for reading guys !

Tikam Belakang and watsoever u call it..

da meaning is still da same..da pain oso tetap sama..aku cuma tak paham..why must we do it to people eventho kita taw those things can kill watever relationship u have with another person..

Sum people takes thing for granted..tak appreciate bila dilayan dengan baik..
tak appreciate satu hal..backstab pulak lagi..haiyoo..i really kenot understand this type of people..

Why am I rambling bout this ?? Sbb ini yang aku kena !!!! bukan sekali..but berkali-kali...

Aku tak paham kenapa asyik aku yang kena..am I an easy target to u ? Or am I too nice ? Or do I look stupid to u ? Pikir punya pikir..still kenot find da answer to my own question !

Why can't we live like normal people who enjoys life and appreciate people around us..

In my opinion dats wat human being suppose to do ! I guess I met the wrong person..I should just let go the relationship I have with dat person and move on to a better life..mcm not worth it pikir and melayan cerita dongeng yang tak nmpak bayang hepi ending langsung..huh !

Just a piece of advice to everyone..wat goes around comes around..so think twice and act wisely people !