Hello ladies...
Bout 2 months ago, aku try product Hada Labo since poket aku dh bocor tak mampooo nak beli skincare mahal-mahal dah..muka nih pon mengada sejak umor meningkat nih..ada saja nak meragam..kejap pigmentation lah kejap jerawat lah kejap ruam lah..eh miang tol muka nih..
Ok dis is how the product looks like..pikcer taken from Google search jek laa yek..thp malazz mendewa ;)
Harga dia agak pricey for 30ml normal price is RM 74.00...but try to search in Watson or Guardian sbb selalunya those two ada offer so it will be cheaper.. Essence nih tahan lama eventho aku pakai 2 kali sehari with 2 kali pump each usage after 2 bulan baru abes..jimat bebenor hahahah~
Ok here are the pro and cons after using it for 2 months...
Pros :
- No smell, no alcohol dan sangat-sangat sesuai for sensitive skin
- Easy to apply sebab texture not so thick
- Jimat since 2 kali pump bole cover whole face and neck
- Not oily and muka glowing
Cons :
- Pricey as compared to other product
- Takda kesan dari segi even out skin tone or whitening
- Took a while to absorbed into skin
Rating :
Overall aku suka texture dia bagai tapi sayang I don't see the whitening effect like what the product claimed to be. So aku hanya bagi 2/5 star and won't repurchased the product again !
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