Yaeyama Chlorella

Korang consume food supplements ? Well aku nak share one of my favorite food supplements, Yaeyama Chlorella by Cosway. Aku makan every morning with empty stomach.

Kenapa Chlorella nih hebat ? 

Simple ! It cures my allergies.

Aku selalu jadi gatal-gatal in between jari jemari tangan nih and sometime menjadi-jadi sampai ke muka. Melampau tak ? Hahaha sebabnya jadi macam tuh? Apalagi, pasal makan ayam atau daging.

I went for check up before dan mengikut doktor bertauliah, it's because of the medication that had been injected into those animals (phitamlaaa ioll nak jadi vegetarian tegar~) ..

So I started looking around for products yang boleh wachaa allergy nih.. Luckily, Chlorella help me out. Now I'm officially part of the "food supplement club" !

Supplement nih juga suits the whole family..I'm not promoting Cosway kat u all for commission bagai hokeh..just doing some sharing is caring ;)

Children generally don't eat enough greens. Give them chlorella! It is rich in natural growth-promoting nutrients for kids to grow taller and healthier, while keeping body defences strong. You'll be amazed when they stop missing school due to coughs and colds!

Troubled by skin breakouts? Chlorella aids daily detox for blemish-free skin. Plus it helps keep teenagers healthy and better able to study.

Want younger-looking, firmer skin that's free from age spots? Chlorella, rich in anti-ageing nucleic acids - RNA & DNA, and potent antioxidants can really help.

Suffering from stiff neck, poor concentration and lower energy level caused by acidic body? Chlorella helps balance body acidity to correct problems associated with too much acidity in the body.

The Elderly
Suffering from poor digestion and unsure that nutrients are being absorbed? Take chlorella! It's bursting with natural nutrients that are easily absorbed for improved well-being.

Checkout Chlorella by Cosway for more details !


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